Holy Trinity
Missionary Baptist Church
14513 South Post Oak Road Houston, TX 77045

The History Of Holy Trinity MBC
Holy Trinity Missionary Baptist Church was organized on March 8, 1972 in a double - car garage in the Sunny Side area of Houston, Texas; Richard Jewel Rose was called to become the church's pastor. Eight people in that meeting made up the church's first membership.
From the garage Holy Trinity moved to a store-front location on Stassen in Sunny Side a few months later where wonderful growth was experienced. After about 1½ years in the store-front a great fire in May of 1973 forced Holy Trinity into the home of Pastor & Sis. Rose.
In May of 1974, Holy Trinity moved out of the den in the home of Pastor & Sis. Rose to a new location, a store-front, at 14317 South Post Oak where worship continued until July 1979 when property (an old liquor store) was purchased at 14513 South Post Oak. About four years later the building was remodeled and a sanctuary built where God met us and blessed us until the move into our present sanctuary (on the same campus).
"Let the Church be the Church, Let the People rejoice; for we have settled the question, and we have made our choice. Let the anthems ring out, Songs of victory swell For the Church triumphant is alive and well.
What a mighty God we serve. We are, "The Church Triumphant."